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Amtu's launch of e-magazine introducing hair tool website

By Shankari C. Adams

Today as we witness the rise of the feminine principle, we salute Ms. Amtu-Michelle Johnson as she introduces her new online store, Amtu Hair Art & Tools. Johnson's bold step to develop a design company specializing in accessories and hair tools which also sponsors advocacy programs for artists/entrepreneurs opens the door of opportunity, growth, and expansion to the frequently forgotten and undervalued segments in society, the artists.


Her amazing formulation of beautiful hair products; of program venues that invite artists to display art in public

places, and to share their art experiences with target audiences, identifies her as both a visionary and

humanitarian. While she holds the vision that art originates within, she courageously calls the


 artists to manifest their gifts. In the creative process, self-determination, increased self-worth

 and the all-important self-confidence have full potential to bloom and blossom. This creative approach that fosters personal dignity while offering gifts of enrichment to the wider

community is positively unique. It is worthy of our collective acknowledgment and support.


We offer heartfelt congratulations to you, Michelle, to your staff, and supporters for extending the vision of vast possibilities to all artists/entrepreneurs especially women of color.


We ask that the blessings of the Most High continue to sustain and guide you  for this service of community building

that you engage in for the abundance and enrichment of others.

A universal sage of the east has written, "Service to man (people) is service to God"


Thank you for your willingness to offer your gifts of time, talent, and energy to enrich the quality of life

in our communities.


In the Light,


Shankari C. Adams


Shankari is an initiated student of A.C. Swamini Turiyasangitananda who has pursued devotional studies

in a spiritual community for many years. She is a published author, speaker, and advocate of human values

--especially the value of peace.


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